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Inter-Tribal Pantry Co-Sponsors Food Support for the 26th Annual Jornada Indigena Taina in Boriken

GSC teams up with sister organization, Borikua Taino Foundation, to deliver food to 230 citizens of Boriken!

GSC's Inter-Tribal Pantry is a proud co-sponsor of the food initiative at Jornada Indigena Taína in Jayuya, Boriken. This is the 26th installment of this annual event which brings together Taino people from around the world for a weekend of community ceremonies, food, and culture. Together we raised enough funds to feed 230 participants over the weekend. 

Learn more about the other co-organizers below!

About Jornada Indigena Taína

The members of the Yuke Tribe of Borikè welcome you to the Taíno Indigenous Day , to be celebrated in the sacred ceremonial center of Jayuya, Borikè. We carry out the administration and care of the ceremonial center together with the Municipality of Jayuya. We also offer guidance and support to those interested in learning more about our traditions.

About Nacion Taino Boriuka

The Borikua Taino Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Borikua Taino achieve higher levels of education, preserve their unique cultural identity, land preservation, and develop sustainable health programs. One hundred percent of donations go toward the Borikua Taino people.

About CEPA 

CEPA is a project that designs and facilitates encounters rooted in practices to heal accumulated trauma from our being. It’s part of a movement of people working to transform their relationships and everyday life to co-create freedom, centering all marginalized peoples especially Puerto Rican women, gender nonconforming, trans, queer folx. To manifest a just future, we honor the wisdom of the earth and of our ancestors as we work to heal.

Aug 15, 2023

Alexandria Cruz

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